Pathology Department



The branch of animal diseases and poultry diseases : was established with the founding of the College, and it is concerned with teaching the subject of diseases in animals by studying the visible and tissue changes of many bacterial and viral diseases that affect various tissues such as the liver, spleen, lungs, and reproductive organs of livestock, sheep, and field animals, in addition to poultry and fish diseases. The branch aims to develop interest in animal wealth and includes a department for cancer diseases, an immunological diseases unit, and a cellular genetics unit. It contains laboratories for preliminary and advanced studies, as well as a section for poultry and fish diseases, which is responsible for breeding and managing fish farms. The section has ideal terrestrial tanks for fish farming on the college site, diagnosing fish and poultry diseases, vaccinations, providing veterinary medical consultations to breeders,and coordinating with related ministries such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment, and Water Resources. The branch also has diagnostic laboratories for the consulting clinic.


Academic Descriptive for Pathology Department


